All About Health And Wellness Gazette

Why We Do What We Do | TED Talks Part 3

Jul 9

I look at life and say there are two master lessons. One is there's the science of achievement which almost every in this room has mastered to an amazing step. That's how do you take the invisible and make it visible, right, how you take what you dream about and make it happen, whether it be your business, your contribution, society, money, whatever it is for you, your body, your family. But the other lesson of life that is rarely mastered is the art of fulfilment. Because science is easy, right? We know the rules, you write the code, you follow those, and you get the result.

Once you know the game, you just you upped the ante, don't you? But when it comes to fulfilment, that's an art. And the reason is, it's about appreciation and it's about contribution. You can only feel so much by yourself. So I've had an interesting laboratory try to answer the question of the real question.

Which is what's the difference in somebody's life if you look at somebody like those people that you've given everything to all the resources they say they need you gave them not $100 computer you give them the best computer you give them love you gave them joy, you were there to comfort them. And those people very often and you know some of them I'm sure and that the rest of their life with all this love, education, money and background, spending the life going in and out of rehab. And then you meet people that have been through ultimate pain, psychologically, sexually, spiritually, and emotionally abused, and not always but often they become some of the people that contribute the most to society. So the question we got to ask ourselves really is what it is that shapes us and we live in a therapy culture most of us don't do that. But the culture therapy culture, what I mean by that is the mindset that we are our past. And everybody in this room, you wouldn't be in this room if you bought that theory, but most of society thinks biography is destiny.

The past equals the future. And of course, it does if you live there, but what people in this room now and what we have to remind ourselves though because you didn't know something intellectually, you can know what to do and then not use it, not apply it. So really, we're going to myself is decision is the ultimate power. That's what it really is. Now, when you ask people, you know, have you failed to achieve something? How many have ever failed to achieve something significant your life say I thanks for the interaction on a high level there. But if you ask people, why didn't you achieve something, somebody who's working for you, you know, or a partner or even yourself, you fail to achieve a goal. What's the reason people say they fail to achieve what do they tell you? Tell me, come on out loud. Don't have didn't know enough didn't have the knowledge didn't have the money didn't have the time didn't have the technology? You know, I didn't have the right manager didn't have a Supreme Court.

What are those, including the Supreme Court have in common? They are a claim to your missing resources. And they may be accurate, you may not have the money you may not have the Supreme Court, but that is not the defining factor

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